Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


[Welland Tribune, 8 March 1895]

Mr. Burgar said there were a number of boys commonly on the streets who should be at school,  from which it would appear that the truancy law was not properly enforced, and he thought perhaps that the teachers were over-anxious to get rid of the bad boys.

Mr. Woodworth named several boys whom he said were incorrigible. One in particular had twice stolen horses, yet nothing had been done to him by the authorities. These boys were a constant trouble and source of temptation to other boys, and it was not right that the morals of a whole school should be subject to this for the sake of two or three incorrigibles, who could not be got to attend regularly in any case, and when they did come they stole everything they could lay hands on. Their parents had no control over them whatever. So far as these were concerned it were better that they did not attend school, the reformatory was the place for them-and the board agreed that the principal was about right.

A lengthy discussion ensued on the matters of truancy and suspensions, when it was moved by Ross and Beatty, that printed forms be procured upon which teachers shall be required to notify parents of all suspensions of their children. It was understood that in order to ensure that parents be so notified these notices shall not be entrusted to the suspended children to deliver, but shall be sent to parents either my mail or delivered by the truant officer.

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