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Historic EVENTS in and around Welland

Extra Values are Offered by Port Colborne Merchants

Christmas Shoppers Invited to Visit Stores This Weekend

Attractive Gift Displays for Early Selection

Bright, Attractive Stores Feature Colorful Displays of Merchandise for Gifts

Improved Conditions are Contributing to Brisk Christmas Trade and Merchants are Well Prepared to Look After the Requirements of Shoppers- Prices Lower Than Last Year

[The Welland-Port-Colborne Evening Tribune, 9 December 1931]

These are busy days in the stores of Port Colborne. With Christmas but two weeks away, snow on the ground and the tang of real Christmas weather in the air, to say nothing of the attractive and colorful displays of gift merchandise in store windows, the people of Port Colborne are beginning to realize that the most interesting holiday of the year is just a step ahead and that now is the time for Christmas shopping. Stores are busy from morning until night and they will be open each evening from now until Christmas.

Improved conditions are contributing to the brisk Christmas trade which is now underway. The outlook is somewhat brighter now than during the past year and it seems as if the world is on its way up out of the valley of depression and is headed for good times again. The business of Port Colborne industries is picking up, material is being shipped and indications are that times are improving. With the much lower prices, improved conditions and the atmosphere of Christmas so pleasantly filling the air, it would be a wonder if the stores in Port Colborne were not busy places these days.

Attractive Display of Gifts

The brilliant lighted windows with their cleverly arranged suggestions of gifts for everyone, young or old, big or small, are each evening attracting more and more shoppers to Port Colborne’s business section and there is an almost unbelievable variety of gifts, modern and some more time-honored, attractively arranged to aid the thoughtful Christmas shopper. There is everything the shopper could wish for, well lighted streets, brilliantly illuminated window and show rooms, for stores in these modern times, with the up-to-date merchant, are show rooms; a large and varied stock of merchandise at prices which are below those of a year ago and the same or lower than those maintaining in cities of the district; and last, but not least, a service in selecting gifts which is at all times courteous and efficient. Ideal conditions have been created by the merchants of Port Colborne for the shoppers of the district at this time of year and it is no wonder that they are taking full advantage of their opportunity.

Prices Are Much Lower

Prices in general are much lower this year than last year at this time, the general trend being from 10 to 20 per cent less than a year ago, and many shoppers are realizing on the saving which can be effected at the present time in staple lines before the trend is upward again. Practically every line has been subject to reductions. The price of sterling silver is from 15 to 20 per cent lower than last year and experts are predicting that the price will go up in the near future. Many are taking advantage of the low price of sterling silver products, which usually maintain a standard value. In every line the same savings are apparent with lower prices.

One of the features of the attractive displays in the Port Colborne stores is the extensive range of the more moderately price gifts. Of course there are the more expensive gifts prominently arranged, but the range of medium priced gift articles is a wide one in every line. Port Colborne merchants are making special efforts this year to display the averaged price gifts and the articles are clearly marked with price tags.

Among the prominent gift suggestions in Port Colborne stores this week are sets of silverware and sterling silver, china, diamonds, radios and the more modern electric clocks. These last mentioned two are being offered this year at attractively low prices within the reach of all. There is a wealth of boxed stationery, pen and pencil sets, books for young and old and a large assortment of Christmas cards in the stationery stores to say nothing of the new United church hymnary.

Wide Range for Selection

New shades, patterns and fabrics are evident in the stocks of ties, shirts and scarves in the men’s wear stores with a wide range of woolen goods including sweaters, socks and coat-sweaters. The drug stores are showing the latest creations in perfumes and toilet accessories while the ladies’ wear stores are carrying a complete stock of dainty lingerie, hosiery, gloves and accessories containing a wealth of gift suggestions. As usual the displays of attractively boxed candy are proving popular.

Slippers, hosiery and shoes are prominently shown in the windows of the shoe stores while cutlery and equipment for every sport features in the hardware stores. Electric shops have numerous and beautiful lamps, so popular in the lighting of today and their stocks of electrical aids to the housewives are complete. Pipes, pipe sets, cigarette lighters and holders are features of the displays of the tobacconist. Toys of every description, including a wide range of dolls are available at far more reasonable prices than formerly. And the toys this year follow a more practical line, many of them being a great aid to children who have a particular bent for mechanics, chemistry or some other line of work.

Furniture is another line in which lower prices are prominent and there is little doubt  that money can be saved by buying now as prices are sure to advance sharply within a short time.

With such a wide variety of gift merchandise from which to choose, with prices right and at a new low level for several years, and the outlook for better times brighten, it is no wonder that Port Colborne stores are busy in these days before Christmas.


What is being loyal to your community?
Is it buying at home to keep prosperity at home?
Last year a Port Colborne lady had a Christmas card printed.
It said: “I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the joys of home.”
An hour after she mailed a batch to distant friends.
She was getting ready to go
To a large city do do her Christmas shopping.
Then she fell a-thinking about the “Joys of Home”
And remembered she wasn’t giving much joy at home stores
By going away to get the things with which
She wanted to spread joy at home.
The thought caused her to shop at the home stores.
This brought her a new experience-and a great experience.
She said, “Nobody told  me so many nice things are in Port Colborne.”
There are lots of nice things in Port Colborne.
It is a grand and glorious feeling to
Walk down a business street
And reflect that all you wear was bought here.
That’s true of other things besides apparel.
We are not fair to the town
If we use the home town as merely a place wherein
to eat and sleep.
To get the best out of your town
Give it a show to show what is can show.

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