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Historic EVENTS in and around Welland




[The Welland-Port Colborne Evening Tribune, 16 December 1931]

Raymond auditorium was well filled last night when in a special service of unusual significance, staged under the auspices of the Women’s Auxiliary of Holy Trinity church, the mortgage papers held on the new church since 1912, were reduced to a heap of ashes. Ven. Archdeacon N.I. Perry officiated as chairman and present with him on the platform were Mrs. H.A. Fifield, immediate past president of the organization; Mrs. G. Russell, newly elected president and Mrs. R.V. Garrett, secretary. Archdeacon Perry expressed his gratitude to the large number of members and friends assembled to witness the ceremony and paid glowing tribute to the untiring efforts of the Women’s Auxiliary which had made such an event possible.

Mrs. S. Nixon Dixon explained the aims and objects of the Women’s Auxiliary in an interesting and concise message in which she emphasized the work of the pioneers in the W.A., and those past presidents under whose leadership the work had progressed. Among those mentioned were the late Mrs. R. Harcourt, Miss Lee, Miss Vanderlip, Mrs. Rogers, Miss Davis, Mrs. N.H. Armstrong, Mrs. H. L. Hatter, Mrs. N.I. Perry, Mrs. J. Shafley and Mrs. H.A. Fifield.

Praise for Mrs. H.A. Fifield

Mrs. Fifield, who was the object of unlimited praise expressed by the various speakers of the evening, presented a brief resume of the year’s activities by which the organization had achieved all but $75 of the $800, required to clear off the mortgage. The gift of $25 from Hon. Richard Harcourt and $50 from Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Bravin had completed the needed total, Mrs. Fifield explained, and expressed public thanks on behalf of the organization.

Praise  was also accorded the treasurer, Mrs. H.R. Waldon.

The original indenture was read and Mrs. C. Henderson, the oldest active member of the W.A., set the match to the papers as the congregation rose and joined in singing the Doxology.

Tribune to the splendid work accomplished by the Women’s auxiliary was paid by George Cook, W.J. Best, Dr. S. Nixon Davis and D.J. Thomas, each speaker referring to the uphill struggle and difficulties met and overcome during the years.

New Church Visioned

People’s Warden E. Cardwell gave an interesting historical sketch and reminded his hearers that the first building owned by the Anglican church was located on Smith street and was now part of the church at Dain City.

Mr. Cardwell stated that when all debts had been paid by the united endeavor of the parish, a new church would be the goal.

The newly elected president, Mrs. G. Russell, also spoke briefly and expressed the  hope that with co-operation she might carry on the splendid work of the Women’s Auxiliary.

A pleasant feature of the service was the presentation of a beautiful silver entree dish to Mrs. Wm. Jarvis, convenor of the cupboard committee. The presentation was made by N.H. Armstrong on behalf of the Women’s Auxiliary, Adult Bible class, A.Y.P.A.

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