Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


[Welland Tribune, 14 January 1875]

              Yesterday morning, while a horse attached to a sleigh, the property of Mr. H.A. Rose, was returning from the W.R. Station, the animal became frightened and ran away, breaking the sleigh, but otherwise did not do any damage.

              The friends of the Rev. Mr. Smith, of the Baptist church, assembled at the residence of Mr. Goodwillie, on Tuesday evening, and presented the rev’d gentleman with a purse containing a handsome sum of money. Our popular young friend is about leaving town to finish his studies, and we hope to learn of his return at an early day.

Mr. Lock’s hotel: Fire

[Welland Tribune, 19 August 1875]

             On Saturday afternoon about five o’clock, Mr. Lock’s hotel was discovered to be on fire. The alarm was given, and the firemen were promptly on the ground, and after working vigorously for twenty minutes, succeeded in extinguishing the flames. The building was considerably damaged, and the furniture must have been more or less injured by hasty removal. The building and contents were partially insured. Had it not been for the promptitude of the fire company and the excellent working of the engine and hose, the hotel could not have been saved.

Fire: 16 August 1875


[Welland Tribune, 20 May 1875]

           Harry Thomas, of the Welland House, has purchased a fine team of horses, and also a handsome spring wagon, which will always be available to parties wishing a pleasant drive or those who desire to go anywhere on business. Special arrangements made with commercial men. At any time they will find it to their advantage to call on him. He has also a first-class express wagon, with horses suitable for carrying merchandise, moving, etc. In regard to the above Mr. Thomas desires to say that he will make every effort to give general satisfaction, and to merit public patronage. All orders left at the Welland House will be promptly attended to.

           Dr. M.F. McTaggart, Principal Medical and Surgical Institute, London, Ont., will visit Welland professionally at the City Hotel, Friday, May 14th; also, Friday, June 18th, where he can be consulted by those who are suffering from disease. The doctor, during a successful practice of many years, extending over the larger portion of Ontario, has very justly won for himself a distinction in his professional calling obtained by few. His successful treatment of all kinds of dangerous chronic complaints at the Institute and elsewhere has caused his name to become a familiar household word. The afflicted of this vicinity should not fail to call upon the Doctor during his visits, as they can rely upon being skillfully treated and honorably dealt with.

 Y.P.C.A. ENTERTAINMENT-This association will give another of their highly popular Entertainments in the Baptist Chapel, in this town, on Monday evening next 24th inst. The programme will consist of Music, Readings &c, the committee heaving secured the services of a number of new performers and readers for the occasion. It is expected that the Rev. Mr. Smith will be present and occupy the chair. Admission, 5¢; Chair taken at 8 o’clock.

 SUDDEN DEATH-It is reported that the wife of Mr. Andrew Hardison, of Ridgeway, died suddenly on Sunday last.-Com. by P. Shisler.