Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland

The EVENTS in and around Welland

This is where you will find interesting stories of
various EVENTS in and around Welland.
Currently we have a lot of stories about
businesses and their owners in the 1800s and 1900s.




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[Welland Tribune, 17 December 1897]

Tillsonburg, Dec.12-About 1 o’clock on Sunday morning three young men left Tillsonburg in a buggy and drove northward to a hotel on the north side of the M.C.R. track, near the station. They were refused admittance, and one of them got out of the buggy. The others started to go back and were struck by the M.C.R. North Shore express, running about a mile a minute. The horse, which was across the track, escaped unhurt and was found about a mile away. The buggy was smashed to atoms, and one of the occupants, named Charles Lloyd, was hurled distance of 90 feet and instantly killed. His head was crushed in, his teeth knocked out, and both legs and arms were broken. The other a lad of seventeen, named Charlie Chandler was hurled a long distance, but escaped with a cut on his leg.


[People’s Press, 18 April 1905]

The electric railway surveyors reached here last week, struck a pile in Port Colborne to connect with the Toronto and Niagara railway. The line comes up the canal, leaving it at the new road in front of Wm. McGinnis’ house, coming up that road to East Main St., thence up Mellanby avenue about 60 rods and cuts across R.H. Appleyard’s to the east bank of the canal which it follows to Port Colborne. Another line was surveyed going west along Main street and up Victoria street to Port Colborne.


Frederick Haney and Chas. Hagendorn Killed.

David Ireland Injured

Frederick Haney, dead

Charles Hagendorn, dead

David Ireland, hands terribly mutilated and otherwise injured

[Welland Tribune, 23 June 1905]

Wild excitement prevailed in Port Colborne on Tuesday night, when an explosion, with fearful results, occurred on the steam drill, Pulvertizer, one of Contractor Hogan’s submarine drilling machines. About 7.15 o’clock a loud and ominous report rang out from the drills which were working near the breakwater. The expert ear knew that something unusual had happened.

The explosion had taken place above the water! That meant that men were injured, if not killed.

Men and women hurried toward the pier to look lakeward.

Then the drills and tugs began blowing their whistles- a cry of distress-and many thought the drill must be sinking as the ominous sounds came in over the water.

Women who had husbands and sons on the drills ran frantically here and there in an endeavor to learn just what had happened.

They had not long to wait for in a few minutes two tugs were seen heading toward the harbor under full steam. By this time hundreds had gathered along the shore and the anxiety and subdued excitement was intense. The Hector was the first tug, and as soon as the captain had his boat within hailing distance, the message was heard: “Telephone for the doctors to meet the tugs.”

The spectators now knew that the accident was serious enough, and physicians were summoned to meet the boats.


Behind the Hector came the tug Mitchell, and on her decks the scene was one not soon to be forgotten.

Motionless on the deck lay the mangled form of Chas.Hagendorn. He was instantly killed by the explosion.

Between two men, came the tug who were supporting him and bathing his face, reclined Frederick Haney, pallid and in great pain, but conscious. His body was frightfully torn, and as soon as the doctor saw his condition, he said nothing could prolong his life beyond a few hours. Blood was streaming from terrible wounds in his neck, chest and abdomen. He was beyond medical aid, and at nine o’clock death relieved him from his awful suffering.

The third victim was David Ireland, who has charge of blasting, and who is an expert with dynamite. One hand was almost entirely tore off and the other mutilated. But, with nerves of steel, Ireland stepped from the tug, and with two companions beside him, walked to his home, half a block away.


Mr. Ireland’s wounds were dressed as carefully as possible, but as an operation had to be performed on his hands, and as he was cut and burned about the body and legs as well, it was deemed wise to send him to the hospital; at Buffalo. Preparations were quickly made and in a short time the tug C.E. Armstrong was headed toward that city with Mr. Ireland resting on a cot on the deck with Dr. Hutton, Mr. Marrigan and other friends of the injured man. He was taken to the general hospital, Buffalo, where an operation was performed at three o’clock in the morning. The stub of the thumb and first finger only remain on the left hand, and the thumb and side of the right hand is gone. The operation lasted an hour and three-quarters. Mr. Ireland was fortunate to escape with his life.


Precisely how the accident happened is not known at this writing (Wednesday) except by Mr.Ireland, who is in the hospital and so far as we can learn has made no positive statement. Those best qualified to judge believe that a charge was put down in the hole and failed to work, so a small charge

was put down to explode it. This failed to leave the charger at the bottom, and when the charger was

pulled up , the “popper” came up with it unoticed by the opeartors. When the word was given to apply the

electric spark the charge of dynamite was exploded right beside the men on the dock of the boat.


It is certain that the explosion took place in the charger, an iron pipe about two inches in diameter. The charger was bursted and flying pieces of buried themselves in the woodwork of the boat in many places, one striking the beam of the far side of the drill boat. Flying pieces of this infliced severe wounds on the dead men. Of course the cause of the accident, as descibed above, is merely surmised for no evidence has yet been given by those immediately concerned.


Hagendorn received a charge through the right side of his jaw leaving a gaping wound; a charge through his heart and a large gaping wound in his abdomen on the rigth side driving his watch inside of his body, besides muerous smaller wounds. He was instatnly killed.

Haney received a large wound on the right side of his neck, a wound over the heart crushng in the ribs, a gaping wound in the abdomen from which the bowels protruded besides many smaller injuries.

Mr. Ireland was blown into the lake by the explosion and was_________.

Dan Slade and Fred Seuss were working with the three men above mentioned, but esaped without a scratch.


Dr. Hutton ordered an inquest and Wednesday morning empanelled the following jury-Harry Dunlap, J.E. Lynden, W.M. McKay, D. Armstrong, F.D. Noble, Wm. Reeb, Chas. Fares, F.K. Brown, J.H. Smith, J.R. Tuck, W.J. Saurin, and T.J. O’Neil. They drove to Humberstone to view the remains and went out to the drill on the tug Mitchell to see the condition there Then they went to the town hall where an adjourment was made until Wednesday, July 5, at 7 p.m., when it is hoped Mr. Ireland will be present to give evidence.


Illegible———home of his brother-in-law, John Houser at Humberstone. He was a son of the late Dr. and Mrs. F.M. Haney, who died in 1897 and 1903 respectively. He was in the 29th year of his age and unmarried. He was born in Humberstone and lived there all his life with the exception of a couple of years spent in British Col_. He had only_on the drill since Thursday last week, his debut at the business. Poor fellow, he was to have been married on Wednesday next. Truly in the midst of life we are in death. He is survied by one brother, Thos., in Woodstock and three sisters-Mrs. J. Houser of Humberstone, Mrs. W.A. Schooley of Buffalo and Mrs. Chas. Armstong of Port Colborne. He was a member of Beacon Lodge, I.O.O.F and of the I.L.M. & T.A. The funeral was held yesterday aftrnoon at 2.30 p.m. under the auspices of Beacon Lodge. Rev. A.C. Mackintosh conducted services at the house, and intement was made in Overholt’s cemetery.


Was about 28 years of age. He had no near relatives in this country except some uncles in Buffalo who ____. He had been in America 15 years, of which the last six were spent in this village. A father, sister and brother in Germany survive. This was his second season on the drill. The body was taken to Ellsworth’s undertaking rooms and later to Wm. Rother’s at Humberstone from where the funeral took place at 10 a.m. yesterday. Rev. A.C. Macintosh conducted service at the house, and intement was in Overholt’s cemetery. He was also a member of the I.L.M. and T.A. who looked after the funeral.

The drill was not injured to any extent, although some pasrts look as if they had been the target for a charge of shrapnel.

Outside of the relatives of the dead and injured, no one feels the accidnet more keenly than Contractor Hogan. It is the first accident that has occurred in the explosive department during the five years drilling here, and it is an undoubted truism that “familiarity breeds contempt.” Deadly dynamite sticks were handled without thought of danger, and it is not to be wondered at if the men failed to use extreme caution at all times. Although so far as we know, there was no lack of caution in this case.


[People’s Press, 23 May 1905]

The poor old Cuba! Nothing but the hardest kind of luck has pursued her so far this season, and the breaking of the gates of lock 21 capped the climax. Captain Monpetit’s many friends express great sympathy for him in his series of troubles. He is looked upon as a good careful “skipper,” and it is difficult to account for such a small steamer carrying away the gates of one of the large locks. The break was repaired and locking resumed at 4.30 Thursday afternoon. The Merchants’ Line of Montreal, who own the Cuba, will have to face a large bill of damages. The damage to the canal will cost the Merchants’ Company in the neighborhood of $2,000 and $200 damage to farms.


[Welland Tribune, 9 June 1905]

Buffalo, N.Y., June 6-The chief incident attendant upon last night’s severe storm in Buffalo was the averting by a small boy of the probable wrecking of a T.H. & B passenger train in the Black Rock yards, in which serious loss of life night have been entailed. In thunder, lightning and in rain, the little fellow was walking along the railroad on his way home about eight o’clock, when he noticed that the stone ballast had been completely washed away and that it was unsafe for a train to pass that point. A minute later he saw the headlight of the engine of the T.H & B train turning into the New York Central tracks near International Bridge. The youngster realized the danger the oncoming train was running into, and he started to wave his handkerchief, but afterwards spied a switch lamp which he grabbed and rushing to the centre of the tracks waved it so that the engineer could see the red light. The train was brought to a stop just a short distance front the washout, and an inspection showed that the boy’s conclusions were justified. There is a heavy embankment on one side of the track. The train was delayed almost two hours.


Business Block of J.S. O’Neal Changed Hands Last Week

[Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 1921]

On Saturday afternoon, a deal was put through in which James O’Neal disposed of the property which he has occupied for the past fourteen years to the Bank of Toronto.

The building was built fourteen years ago by Marcus Vanderburg, for Mr. O’Neal, and is 34 by 75 feet, well-constructed, and a fine two storey brick store. The Bank will assume possession on June 10th.

Mr. O’Neal will, after 44 years, in the grocery business retire from active business, our reporter was informed yesterday. He was 18 years in business with C.J. Page and 26 years in business by himself, and thinks he is well deserving a rest.

Mr. O’Neal has purchased a home at 24 Oakland Avenue, where he intends to reside after having disposed of his stock and business.

He leaves the mercantile sphere with kindest thoughts for everybody, and for the citizens in general, with regrets at having to part after all these years with many business friends and acquaintances.

The price paid for the property, The Tribune-Telegraph is informed, was $55,000.


[Welland Tribune, 8 August 1905]

The scene of the local land boom has shifted south from Rainey’s Bend and Mr. Richards is now endeavoring to buy a block of about 200 acres south of the Chippawa road. The following are the farms which he desires: R.H. Appleyard, 30 acres; H.S. Ramey, 30 acres; Jno. Weaver, 25 acres; Frank Schooley, 50 acres; Wm. Rauch, 10 acres; J.A. Steele, 52 ½ acres. Mr. Richards has succeeded in optioning all the above land at a satisfactory figure, except J.A. Steele’s, which he says is held at a price too high to buy. We understand Mr. Steele wants $100 an acre. Mr. Richards says he wants this piece of land to complete the block, and unless Mr. Steele sells to him he will not buy any of it. The purpose for which this land is being bought is as a great mystery as ever.


For the Central School Building


Vanderburg and Lovell the Successful Contractors

HOLDER AND McCAW Lots To Be Bought

[People’s Press, 17 April 1900]

Welland, April 13-The Public School Board met in special sessions this evening and definitely accepted the tenders and completed arrangements for the erection of the new central school building, which is to be gone on within a few days-soon as the new street sewer is laid for drainage. All the trustees were present, Chairman A.O. Beatty presiding, and Mr. McCaw secretary.

The chairman read the report of the building committee as follows-

That having advertised for tenders as per revised plans and specifications, we have received the following bids-

Carpenter Work, etc

J.J. Brown, Toronto                $6,285
Jacob Lovell, Niagara Falls        $5,630
J.E. Cutler, Welland, (pine)       $6,385
J.E. Cutler (hemlock)              $6,307

Mason Work

M. Vanderburgh, Welland            $5,750

Bulk Tenders

Jacob Lovell                       $11,426
M. Vanderburgh                     $12, 065
Vanderburgh & Cutler (pine)        $12,135
Vanderburgh & Cutler (hemlock)     $12,057

Your committee recommend that the tender of M.Vanderburgh for mason work for the sum of $5,750 and the tender of Jacob Lovell for carpenter work for the sum of $5,630.

And that the tender of Mansell & Purdy for the plumbing for the sum of $809, and the tender of the Pease Furnace Co. for heating and ventilation, for the sum of $1,145, be accepted.


A. O. Beatty
J. McCaw
T. Main
J.S. O’Neal
D. Robins

Moved by McCaw and Main, that the report of the building committee just read be accepted. Carried unanimously.


The chairman said the net matter to settle was that was of the location of the proposed new building on the side, so that the drainage work might be gone on with.

Mr. Main advocated the building facing the south as having the largest frontage and keeping the farthest away from barns and other outbuilding on adjoining lots. To face the south would undoubtedly best comply with the views of the department of education.

Mr. Burgar said the building should face the north, with main entrance from Division street; this would give the shortest means of access; to send the children from the third and fourth wards around Young street should not be considered for a minute.

Burgar and Robbins moved that the building be located to face the north.

Mr. Main called for the yeas and nays on the motion’ which were taken as follows:

Yeas-Ross, Burgar, Robbins, O’Neal, Beatty, McCaw.
Nays-Staph, Main.
Motion carried.


It having been decided that the building face the north, the next matter was to obtain an entrance from Division street.

Mr. Burgar favored closing the bargain for the Holder lot at once, so that the work of fitting up, grading, putting out trees, etc., could be gone on with without delay. He considered Mr. Holder’s offer a fair one-$600 for the lot, or $500 and the board’s lot on corner Hellems avenue and Young street. If Mr. Holder’s price were considered unreasonable of course the board could expropriate the land. It would make a great improvement to the town to have Cross street extended to the school building so that the building could be seen from Main street.

The chairman favored buying both the Holder and McCaw lots, and giving the new building a clear frontage on Division street.

Mr. Burgar said he would favor this also if the board had the money required.

The chairman said the board had the money to pay cash for one of the lots, and payment for the other could be deferred for a year or more, by which time no doubt, the board could realize the amount required from some of the school properties at present in use.

Moved by Burgar and Ross that the chairman and secretary be instructed to purchase the Holder lot at &600. Motion carried, main and Stapf dissenting.

At first it was proposed to defer consideration of the matter of purchase of the McCaw lot at $600. Motion carried. Mani and Stapf dissenting.

At first it was proposed to defer consideration of the matter of purchase of the McCaw (between Holder’s and the church), but

Mr. Robins pointed out that the building could not be located until it was known whether the McCaw lot would be purchased or not, as upon this would depend the exact site of the building, which should face the entrance, and whether that entrance were one or two lots wide would, of course, make a difference.

After considerable discussion it was agreed that the question of purchase of McCaw lot must be settled before the building could be located, and it was.

Moved by O’Neal and Robins that his board purchase the “McCaw lot at $600, and that the chairman and secretary steps thereto-Carried.

The motion of McCaw and Main, the plans and specifications of the architect, Mr. Ellis, were formerly accepted as per his terms (three per cent), and he was instructed to go on and complete the working plans, draw up agreements, etc., and lay same before the board at as early a day as possible.

On motion by Ross and Robins, the chairman and secretary were authorized to enter into the necessary agreements, etc., for building.

On motion by Ross and O.Neal, the building committee were instructed to have a surveyor lay out the grounds and fix levels, as soon as possible, so that the exact details for sewer basement, etc., may be definitely fixed.

The board adjoined at 10.25 p.m.


[Welland Tribune, 29 January 1909]

A congregational meeting of the Fonthill Baptist church was held on Tuesday last, when it was decided by an unanimous vote to build a new church, of brick construction with stone foundation, and a building committee composed of F. Kinsman, Andrew Hansler, G.C. Brown, John H.Berg and Isaiah Hansler, was instructed to have the plans completed at once and building operations commenced as soon as possible. J. Francis Brown, one of the best architects in Toronto, is preparing the plans. The Baptist church at Fonthill was organized in 1845, and the present building built about 1848. In 1895 the fiftieth anniversary of the church was celebrated in an appropriate manner. The meeting extended over several days and there was much speaking. At the end of the sixtieth year a similar celebration was held. The present building was remodelled about twenty-five years ago. Jonathan Miller, one of the church deacons, has the honor of having been a member of the church since 1852, and heads the church roll. All of Mr. Miller’s six children have been members of the church, although some of them have moved away and transferred their membership.


[People’s Press. 16 August 1900]

Lee-Lee, formerly located here, was in town Saturday, lately of Stratford and announced his intention of starting a second Chinese laundry here. He expects to occupy the McEwing store, currently occupied by Ed. Brasford.

J. Schapiro sold his horse, wagon and harness, advertised last week, to Crowther the baker. Mr. Schapiro intends moving to Buffalo on the 1st of May, and he wishes to thank the people of Welland and vicinity for the liberal patronage extended to him during his location here.

The Hamilton Power Co. is digging test wells with a view of extending their power raceway from Allanburg to the Welland river. The proposition under consideration is to tunnel under the canal and strike the Welland river at the most advantageous point below Port Robinson.