Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


He Viewed the Falls Yesterday- When He is Thinking of Doing.

[Welland Telegraph, 4 September 1891]

Carlisle D. Graham was in town yesterday afternoon. He is the man who was not daunted by the sad fate of the late Capt. Webb in his final effort to swim the rapids of the gorge, and so he constructed a barrel and successfully made the trip that killed Webb and Flack.

Graham’s first effort in rapids conquering was made on July 11, 1886. He also made successful trips on August 19, 1886, June 15, 1887, and August 25, 1889… His trifling with the waters of the gorge extended over a period of more than three years, and even if by the time of his last trip, the feat had become quite common, it must be admitted in justice to Graham that after his first trip he was recognized as a great hero, in fact a man of great nerve, to undertake and perform such a perilous feat. It can be also said of him that he always kept his word with eh people, every time he advertised to make a trip he went.

Since he left Niagara Falls he has travelled to several countries and earned a living on the reputation made at Niagara. His home is now in Rochester. He came to the Falls yesterday in search of William Coventry, and “Jack” McMahon, who it has been stated intended to go through the rapids. He didn’t fine them. He said yesterday that he had not ended his feat at Niagara and he was still trying to conjure up a way to conquer the great cataract. For $1.000 he will make the trip.

Heretofore Graham’s rapids trips have always been made in barrels, but he now has a six pound suit in which he thinks of making the journey down the rock gorge to Lewiston. While in Europe he traveled considerable with Tommy Burns who he is expecting over here to swim the rapids. If he comes Graham said they would go through together whether there was any money in it or not.-Niagara Falls, N.Y., Gazette.

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