Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


The Fire Fiend Still Pursueth the Crysler Family

Millinery Shop Wrecked by Fire and Water

[Welland Tribune, 19 February 1892]

              At 5 o’clock last Sunday morning, fire broke out in the millinery shop of Mrs. John A. Crysler, next to Imperial bank, Muir street, Welland. Mrs. Crysler was awakened by the smoke and ran out and alarmed mine host Seigelhurst of the Commerial. Chris. loaded his cannon and fired a royal salute with great gusto frightening the neighbors out of their wits. The bell rang out a fiery peal, and the firemen had the water pouring on the flames before the fire had made much headway and squelched it quickly. The building was damaged to the extent of a couple of hundred dollars, probably. What stock there was in the place was ruined by fire and water and smoke, and is a total loss. Mrs. Crysler estimated the loss on stock and furniture at from $1500 to $2000, of which there is an insurance of $1000, payable to Reid, Taylor & Bain of Toronto, as their interest appears. Messrs. Swayze & Son issued the policies on stock. The building was insured to fully cover all losses, by policies issued by McCollum & Son, St. Catharines. Adjusters were at work yesterday, but their verdict as to amount of loss could not be obtained.

             Fire, has been a singularly persisted visitor to the Chrysler properties, they having previously had losses at Fonthill and Fort Erie.

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