Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


[People’s Press, 1 December 1903]

              A fire occurred in the north ward last evening, a house owned by Peter McKinley on North Main street being pretty badly damaged. The house was occupied by Elmer Crosby, whose furniture was nearly all saved. There was no insurance on house contents, and Mr. McKinley’s loss on the latter will be about $200. He recently let the insurance policy on it run out and had neglected renewing it.

             The fire was noticed in the roof by Wm. Kelsey, shortly after 7 o’clock, who was passing, and he hurriedly warned the occupants and climbing up on a roof, formed a bucket brigade. The water had to be taken from a lawn tap and the process was so slow that the fire kept gaining headway. The box alarm at Milne’s corner was set off but did not work and an alarm was sent in by phone. It was quite a while before the firemen arrived and then the hydrant was found to be frozen up causing several minutes more delay. A half hour elapsed from the time it was first noticed until water was put on it. The roof was burned, upper storey gutted and back kitchen burned, and the whole damaged by water. Two streams of water soon conquered the blaze, which was a bright one for a while but did not burn very rapidly.

             The fire is supposed to have originated in the roof from a defective chimney, wood being burned in the stove.

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