Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


Board of Trade Favors the New Highway

[Welland Telegraph, 14 February 1913]

A meeting of the Board of Trade was held in the town hall on Wednesday evening. Following the reading of the general correspondence, a discussion on good roads and the removal of the town garbage completed the remainder of the evening.

Mr. Hatt, in reference to the good roads question, said that it was plain to see that macadam was not the thing for Welland roads. Personally he was interested in concrete as an improvement on macadam. “The Canada Cement Co.,” he said, “have a man who is lecturing on concrete for roads, showing the possibilities and advantages over other mediums. They will send a man to Welland on March 3rd , and it would be a good thing to call a special public meeting to discuss the matter.”

Mr. Hickey proposed that Mr. Brunner of the Canada Cement Co. should address the Board of Trade on the subject and give all information as to the cost of concrete for roadways.

Mr. Rainer proposed that it would be a good thing to form an agricultural committee as an addition to the other committees and to ask Mr. Austin to take charge of it. This was carried.

On the question of garbage removal, B.J. McCormick said that he did not wish to criticize the committee, who had that matter in hand, but he wished to make a protest against the present system of placing garbage pails and boxes in front of houses. It was a disgrace to the town. Visitors coming into the town remarked about it, and altogether the system was a bad one, and the garbage pails are eyesores.

Mr. Hickey agreed with this and suggested that another team of horses and two wagons to remove the garbage by the town, would not be out of place. Various methods of disposal of garbage were discussed, but no definite decision was arrived at.

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