Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


W.J. Hickey Has Contract for Changes in O’Neal Block

[The Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 14 June 1921]

Work was commenced on Thursday on what is to be one of the nicest places of business on the Main streets of Welland. The block formerly occupied by J.S. O’Neil as a grocery store and which was recently purchased by the Bank of Toronto, is to be converted into a modern and up-to-date bank building.

W.J. Hickey, general contractor, has been awarded the contract, and now has a gang of men working on the building.

The front of the building is to be one of the finest. It is to be a complete cut stone design with carved columns from the ground to the top of the building.

The entrance will be on the west side of the building, while two large windows will occupy the front of the bank. The entrance will lead into a vestibule, which in turn leads into the bank and to the floors upstairs.

The building will be ready for occupancy in the early autumn.

A.E. Nicholson, O.A.A., of St. Catharines was the designer of the plans, and they are truly a work of art. Mr. Nicholson will be remembered for his work in this city previously. He designed the First Street School, the Queen Street School and the new Empire School in the east end.

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