Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


[Welland Tribune, 25 August 1905]

Mr. T.I. Bird, inspector of the Bank of Toronto, was in Welland on Wednesday, and arranged to lease the east store in the Ross block, on East Main street, for a branch of the bank of Toronto, which will be opened here in a few days.

The Bank of Toronto is one of the oldest and strongest banks in Canada, and is the banker for the Plymouth Cordage Co. in Canada. It comes to stay and will probably in the near future erect a building of its own.

This was Mr. Bird’s first visit to Welland, and he took a drive with Mr. Harcourt about the town and vicinity. He expressed himself as greatly surprised and pleased at the fine appearance and very evident prosperity of the community, as evidenced by the fine residences, well-kept lawns and very complete water, gas and other services apparent.

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