Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland




Welland Firm Carries Largest Stock of Office Furniture and Supplies in Niagara Peninsula

Special Retail Department to be Opened Featuring Social and Commercial Stationery.

[The Welland-Port Colborne Evening Tribune, 17 November 1931]

A.E. Davis, president of the David Stationery Company Ltd. Cross street, along with the members of the staff, have such faith in the ultimate progress of Welland that they have already made special preparations so that when the present economic depression is over the company will be able to handle the large business it anticipates will come its way.

This company has handled many complete installations in the way of office furniture and equipment, the latest being for the new Douglas Memorial Hospital at Fort Erie. Mr. Davis also emphasized in an interview with The Tribune that the firm had not at any time found it necessary to reduce its staff, even in view of the depression of the last two years.

“I would like to point out, also, that we are opening a special retail department featuring items in the way of social and commercial stationery which formerly had to be purchased out of town,” Mr.Davis contiuned.

Mr. Davis stated that the Davis Stationery Company Ltd. carried the largest stock in office equipment, furniture, filing equipment and similar supplies in the Niagara peninsula. “We have here,” he commented, “rebuilt typewriters, office desks in wood and steel, office furniture and all manner of stationery, also one of the largest assortment of Sheaffer pens to be had in any centre the size of Welland.”

Mr. Davis had no hesitation in expressing his opinion of the influence of the present world economic depression so far as Wellamd and the Niagara District are concerned.

Welland Favourably Situated

I would say that economic conditions were not considerably below normal,” stated the president of the company. “They could naturally be much worse, and I can assure you that in comparison with many other centres Welland is favorably situated.

“There is no doubt in my mind when this depression lifts, as it will before long, Welland and the Niagara peninsula will be among the first to recover from the effects of the depressed conditions, and to rapidly advance to a state of sound business progress.”

It was 10 years ago that Mr.Davis first started the stationery business which has proven itself again and again, and which is now one of the brometers of sane business optimism in this part of the country.At tht time Mr. Davis represented the Hay Stationery Company of London, and the Welland business was a branch of the London firm.

Five years ago, however, Mr. Davis and his brother, W.A. Davis took the Welland business over from the London firm, and the Davis Stationery Company then had its inception. This was in 1927.

Ten years ago, Mr. Davis alone operated the Welland Stationery business; today the local office staff comprises five persons. The president is A.E. Davis, vice-president, W.A. Davis; secretary-treasurer, Miss Muriel Teachout; stock keeper, Robert Douglas; shipper, Edward Gadsby

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