Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


[Welland Tribune, 22 October 1897]

For three weeks the prize-takers at the county fair have been disappointed in getting their prize- money. After several attempts to meet, the directors met on Wednesday of last week and agreed to pay all prizes in full, instructing the president and treasurer to negotiate a loan of some $300 to make both ends meet. This was easier said than done, unless the directors would become personally responsible, and the loan had not been made on Saturday last. These disappointments are very annoying to prize winners and doubly annoying to the treasurer, whose office has been besieged every Saturday of late. In view of the fact that Welland county pays much larger prizes in most of their classes than does Pelham, Netherby, or other local fairs,-we think it very unwise of the management to run the society $300 into debt to pay the prizes in fall. If 25% were deducted, the prizes would then be as large as paid at most fairs, and the funds on hand would go a long way toward meeting the indebtedness.

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