Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


[Welland Tribune, 1903]

A serious looking blaze broke out in the roof of the pattern warerooms at Messrs. M. Beatty and Sons’ iron works yesterday at 11 a.m. The pattern building is a two-storey frame structure just behind the blacksmith shop, and there is never any fire inside. About the time mentioned, one of the men noticed flames coming through the end of the building, and he quickly gave the alarm. The men about the shop soon had the hose cart, which is stored in another building out and a line of hose attached. In the meantime a general alarm had been given and the other hose carts from the first and third wards were soon on hand, with lots of willing workers. A gale of wind was blowing, and as the building contained very inflammable material and had a good start, it was generally thought it would turn out to be a serious one. But the quick action and good work of the men on the spot soon had the fire under control, although the flames under the shingles were stubborn for a time. The contents of the building, being all wooden patterns, were very valuable, and a number of these in the top floor were burned and some damaged by water. The loss is not heavy considering the value of the material amongst which the flames were, and it is covered by insurance. The cause of the fire is unknown.

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