Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


[People’s Press. 16 August 1900]

Lee-Lee, formerly located here, was in town Saturday, lately of Stratford and announced his intention of starting a second Chinese laundry here. He expects to occupy the McEwing store, currently occupied by Ed. Brasford.

J. Schapiro sold his horse, wagon and harness, advertised last week, to Crowther the baker. Mr. Schapiro intends moving to Buffalo on the 1st of May, and he wishes to thank the people of Welland and vicinity for the liberal patronage extended to him during his location here.

The Hamilton Power Co. is digging test wells with a view of extending their power raceway from Allanburg to the Welland river. The proposition under consideration is to tunnel under the canal and strike the Welland river at the most advantageous point below Port Robinson.

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