Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


Business Block of J.S. O’Neal Changed Hands Last Week

[Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 1921]

On Saturday afternoon, a deal was put through in which James O’Neal disposed of the property which he has occupied for the past fourteen years to the Bank of Toronto.

The building was built fourteen years ago by Marcus Vanderburg, for Mr. O’Neal, and is 34 by 75 feet, well-constructed, and a fine two storey brick store. The Bank will assume possession on June 10th.

Mr. O’Neal will, after 44 years, in the grocery business retire from active business, our reporter was informed yesterday. He was 18 years in business with C.J. Page and 26 years in business by himself, and thinks he is well deserving a rest.

Mr. O’Neal has purchased a home at 24 Oakland Avenue, where he intends to reside after having disposed of his stock and business.

He leaves the mercantile sphere with kindest thoughts for everybody, and for the citizens in general, with regrets at having to part after all these years with many business friends and acquaintances.

The price paid for the property, The Tribune-Telegraph is informed, was $55,000.

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