Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


[Welland Tribune, 9 June 1905]

Buffalo, N.Y., June 6-The chief incident attendant upon last night’s severe storm in Buffalo was the averting by a small boy of the probable wrecking of a T.H. & B passenger train in the Black Rock yards, in which serious loss of life night have been entailed. In thunder, lightning and in rain, the little fellow was walking along the railroad on his way home about eight o’clock, when he noticed that the stone ballast had been completely washed away and that it was unsafe for a train to pass that point. A minute later he saw the headlight of the engine of the T.H & B train turning into the New York Central tracks near International Bridge. The youngster realized the danger the oncoming train was running into, and he started to wave his handkerchief, but afterwards spied a switch lamp which he grabbed and rushing to the centre of the tracks waved it so that the engineer could see the red light. The train was brought to a stop just a short distance front the washout, and an inspection showed that the boy’s conclusions were justified. There is a heavy embankment on one side of the track. The train was delayed almost two hours.

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