Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland




[Welland Tribune, 28 May 1897]

St. Catharines, May 21-About six o’clock this morning the propeller Outhwaite of Cleveland, Capt. Burke up bound, light, under a full head of steam, forced the gates of lock 7. The level above the lock, extending a distance of a mile and a quarter, emptied the flood of water with irresistible force on the steamer, nearly capsizing her and forcing her back to lock 6, overflowing the banks of the canal, tearing deep washouts in the embankments and flooding the adjourning lands, uprooting trees, felling fences an causing great loss.

The gates of the damaged lock were carried about 500 feet from their position. Gas lamps were overturned and gas mains exposed and twisted. Tom Nihan is said to have had 17 acres of oats washed out by the deluge and many other owners of adjacent properties will suffer by the flood.

David Leith, a lockman, had a narrow escape, having climbed a lamp-post to escape being drowned. He was hurled with the lamp-post over the embankment and carried a considerable distance into an adjoining field.

Michael Driscoll, another canal employee, tried to escape by getting on a fence but he, too was washed away, but escaped with a dunking.

This is the most serious accident which has occurred since the canal has been built, and will entail heavy expenditure on the part of the government.

It is understood that the Outhwaite’s owners will give bonds and that the boat will be allowed to proceed on her homeward journey in a few days, when the canal is freed from its blockade.

A large force of men are at work on the repairs necessary to renew navigation, but as the west wing of lock 2 is damaged, in many places seriously impaired embankments in many places seriously impaired, it will be some time before all repairs are completed.

Quite an excitement occurred among these residing near the canal, many being under the impression that the banks had entirely broken away, and that they would be ruined by having their orchards torn up and buildings destroyed. At present it is possible to closely estimate the cost of repairs, but it is said that $25,000 will have to be spent during this year to replace the canal in its former condition.


[Welland Tribune, 22 January 1909]

W.B. Chambers has the following contracts: Plumbing in two new houses for John Goodwillie on State street, plumbing in J.H. Burgar’s new house, Avenue Place; plumbing in A. Fritz’s residence on Franklin street. Mr. Chambers has secured a first-class plumber from the city, and will, in addition will give all work his supervision, ensuring absolute supervision. Shop North Main street.

The Welland Realty Company has sold for O.H. Garner a lot on Garner avenue to Ernest Hearst and Stephen J. White who will erect a house at once, for sale or rent.

The Bell Telephone Company is about to publish a new issue of the official telephone directory, and all orders for changes in firms names or street addresses of orders for new phones will have to be given in at once to Ross C. Douglass, local manager, to ensure publication in the new issue.

Mr. George Wells of Welland and Rev. John Crawford of Niagara Falls are said to prominent applicants for the position of collecter of canal tolls, etc., made vacant by the death of S.J. Sidey.


[Welland Tribune 1898]

(from the Canadian Grocer, Oct 7)

Frank C. Williams , Waterford, Ont. Has purchased the business of J.E. Klager. General merchant, Ridgeville, Ont. Mr. Williams is an experienced business man. He was employed for some time with F,. Kinsman, Fonthill and more recently with S.L. Squire, Waterford. He intends enlarging the capacity of the business he has acquired by adding a further stock of groceries,  dry goods, hardwares, boots and shoes, wall paper, patent medicines, stationery, etc. The store s at present being remodeled and repainted. When this is finished it will  be opened out as Ridgeville’s new store, with a new stock and a new  proprietor

The Canadian Grocer wishes Mr. Williams success in his undertaking.


[Welland Tribune, 22 January 1909]

The burning of the note covering the last debt on Central Methodist church and also the note constituting the last debt on the new organ were matters of great jubilation at the church last Friday night. The proceedings opened with a sumptuous supper, after which the fire scene was enacted, and a program of bright speeches, fine music, etc., followed. The crowd was large and a silver collection mounted to $10.


[People’s Press, 22 August 1905]

An exciting yachting accident happened off this harbor a week ago Saturday night. A gasoline yacht bound from New York City to Erie was running for Port Colborne harbor on account of coming storm, when she struck a reef off Fairview Farm (Frank Shisler) at 12 o’clock at night. Three men were on the boat, two running it and one asleep. When the yacht struck the reef a small boat was launched, but upset in four feet of water, nearly half a mile out, and one of the men waded ashore on the reef. He woke Mr. Shisler, who drove to town and sent the tug Armstrong to the assistance of the yacht. The yacht had been got off in the meantime, but was helpless, as her shoe was bent up against her propeller. She was towed to Port Colborne, where one of the Contractor Hogan’s derricks lifted her out of the water for repairs. She remained in port all day Sunday, the crew spending the day searching for oars, anchor and pocket-book of money, which were lost in the lake, but without success. The pocket-book was said to have contained $180 and some valuable jewelry. The party had no money left but some small change. The yacht was 44 feet long, and two of the crew named Tismuth, claimed to be the owners. The lake was very calm or the boat would have dashed to pieces.


[People’s Press, 22 August 1905]

Mr. D.F. Osler of the Port Colborne branch of the Imperial Bank has been appointed accountant of the North Toronto branch. He will be succeeded here by C.F.W. Patterson of the Market branch, Toronto. H.E. Cook, ledger keeper, has been transferred to Toronto, and left for that city yesterday morning. A host of warm friends will regret their departure. The uniform courtesy and genial manner of these officials have made them very popular with our citizens, who, while sorry to see them leave town, are glad to know that both gentlemen are being promoted.


[Welland Tribune, 13 July 1907]

Mrs. Collins and Miss Laura Hooker, two representatives of the Japanese booth for the Trip Around the Earth in three days, on Thursday morning, afternoon and night will serve ice cream and sodas at the Welland Pharmacy. The proceeds to go towards the booth. Mr. Collins has very kindly and generously given gratis not only his parlors, but his delightful creams.



[Welland Tribune, 9 June 1905]

Port Stanley, Ont. June 7-This morning about 9.15 the Government cruiser Vigilant, Capt. Dunn, sighted a fishing tug about six miles east of Middle Island in Lake Erie and five  miles north of the boundary line. The captain changed his course and made towards the tug, which proved to be the Grace M. of Lorain, Ohio, Capt. William Galbraith. The tug went quite near her Capt. Dunn signalled with his whistle for her crew to check. No attention was paid to stop, but the tug shot past the Vigilant with full steam.

Captain Dunn turned and soon overhauled her, but the tug continued to dodge the Valiant notwithstanding the fact that Capt. Dunn had fired across her bows several times. The Vigilant was again coming up on the tug when she again attempted to cross the Vigilant’s bow. Capt. Dunn seeing there was likely to be a collision, stopped and backed full steam.

He had his boat well stopped when they came together, but the momentum of the Vigilant was sufficient to roll the Grace M. over and she sank. Capt. Dunn rescued Capt. Galbraith, Engineer Wm. Rulleson, and D, Poppelwell, a fisherman. Two fisherman named Martin Oleson of Cleveland and Wm. Anderson of Lorrain were drowned.

Capt. Galbraith admits that Capt. Dunn was in no way to blame, and now his sorrow realizes he should have obeyed Capt. Dunn’s signals and stopped his boat when ordered to do so.

The Vigilant succeeded the Petrel on Lake Erie this year. The big legal fight over the seizure of the Kitty D. by the Petrel is well known. It has lasted two years and has cost thousands of dollars.


[People’s Press, 5 September 1905]

The Str. Savona, loaded with iron ore, went ashore on York Island in Lake Superior in a gale on Friday night, and broke in two. One boat containing eleven people reached shore in safety, but it is feared that five men, who took another boat, are lost, also six members of the crew who staid on the wreck. The Savona was a steel freight steamer, built in 1890, owned at Erie, and valued at $150,000. She was lengthened 72 feet at Buffalo last spring.


[Welland Tribune February 27, 1940]

Switch Engine Conductor Trapped Under Train

Hamilton, Feb. 27- Storm conditions were blamed today for the  second railway fatality within eight days when A,N, Clavel, 36, Hamilton conductor of a Toronto, Hamilton and  Buffalo switch engine crew, slipped in the Forest avenue yards, fell under a moving train and was killed. A fine snow caused slippery conditions.

The last car was said to have passed over his legs, death resulting as police were rushing him to the  General hospital. Born at Montreal, Clavel had resided here for 23 years. He is survived by his widow and four children. Dr. Leeming Carr, coroner is investigating.

James G Lord 63, a Canadian National Railways car repairman, was killed Feb. 19 during the season’s worst blizzard when he walked into the path of a backing switch engine.