Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


John E. Cutler’s House Partially Burned


[Welland Tribune, 28 October 1892]

About seven o’clock on Tuesday evening John E. Cutler’s residence, ,corner Merritt and Shotwell  streets, caught fire in the storage room, or garret, above the kitchen, and was damaged to the extent of three or four hundred dollars. The fire is supposed to have caught from the stove-pipe that passed through this attic room.

Mr. Cutler’s family were at tea at the time and the first intimation they had of the danger was the boisterous shouting of some boys outside. Mr. Cutler arose and opened the door. By this time the flames had burst through the roof, and the bright light warned him that the house was on fire. He ran to the barn for his garden hose, only to find that it had been lately put away for the winter in the very attic that was burning.

Neighbors were now on hand and the fire was vigorously attacked by the pail brigade, but the flames were too fierce for this to have much effect and had to be abandoned. In the meantime the contents of the house were being removed to adjoining house.

In quick time the hose cart No.2 was on the scene and water playing upon the fire. No. 1 cart followed, and it looked as if the fire would be soon under control.

Finally the water struck the root of the trouble, and almost instantly the fire was extinguished and the best part of the house saved. Had it been necessary to rely upon the firing up and getting there of the old fire engine, the house would have been burned to the ground.

The premises are insured sufficiently to cover all losses, and of course the place will be repaired at once.

During the progress of the fire County Clerk Cooper met with what may prove a very serious accident. The water had been shut off and the nozzle was lying on the floor, when all at once the water was turned on and the stream struck Mr. Cooper in the face with terrific force. The right eye-lid was badly bruised and the eye badly injured. Mr. Cooper was almost blinded and had to be assisted home. The physician could give no decided opinion at first, but expressed grave fears that the sight of the right eye might be permanently impaired.

SMELTING WORKS – Port Colborne

[Welland Tribune, 7 October 1892]

The Toronto Chemical Company’s smelting works will positively be located here. That is a settled fact, and work will at once be begun to erect the necessary furnace, sulphuric chambers, etc. The new process by which the nickel ore will be treated has been experimented upon and found successful, and it now remains to be seen if the same success will attend smelting on a large scale. A thorough trial will be given, and if it pans out as its projectors believe it will, it will be a grand thing for the village of Port Colborne. We fervently hope that the results will exceed the most sanguine expectations of the company. In addition to the Messrs. Richardson and English of Toronto, who have been the most energetic pushers in this undertaking, the Messrs. Shepard (of the Toronto opera house and of the Georgian Bay Lumber company), Scott and others have an interest. The only local man who has taken stock in the enterprise is D. McGillivray of the Provincial Natural Gas company who believes the chances are good enough to warrant him in putting a good enough sum of money in it. The furnace, sulphuric chambers, etc., will cost considerable money, but the buildings will not be very extensive until success is assured. The factory will probably be located next to the Erie Glass company’s works. The capital stock of the Toronto Chemical company is $100,000, and it will cost in the neighborhood of $20,000 to give the smelting works a fair chance to prove whether or not they can be made to pay. Port Colborne may well congratulate itself on the new acquisition to her hive of industries.

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welland jail 1892-414