[Welland Telegraph, 3 May 1899]
Just at noon on Friday last, Bald Bros. were putting a load of lumber on a wagon in Mr. Rounds lumber yard. Hitched to the wagon was their handsome heavy draft team. Messrs. Beatty’s big whistle opened with a sudden blast, announcing the hour, and started the horses on the jump. David Bald grabbed the lines and tried to stop the frightened animals, but it was impossible, and he was almost thrown under the wagon. As he let go the buckle in the lines tore the palm of his hand severely. The horses ran up the back street and collided with a telegraph pole. The force of the collision was so great that the tongue of the wagon went almost through the pole and split off an immense piece of wood. The horses there got loose from the wagon and ran home, little worse for the accident. The wagon was badly smashed and the load of lumber toppled over the side. The most serious damage was to Mr. Bald’s hand in which a number of stitches had to be put. The wound is now healing nicely.
[Waterford Star, January 19, 1899]
An accident occurred on the M.C.R. at Welland Saturday morning that fortunately did not result in the loss of life. The engine of No. 15 express at 2.10 this morning, from some unknown cause jumped the tracks. The engine turned over on its side into the ditch and the engineer, Mr. T. Lawler, and the fireman, Mr. John Currie, were injured but not seriously. The train consisted of an express car, a baggage car, two coaches and two sleepers, which owing to the multiplicing of tracks at the point of the run off were turned sideways and every other direction completely blocking the traffic. The passengers, though treated to a severe shaking up, all escaped injuries, except one whose name cannot be learned. He received a cut over the eye, caused by a piece of broken glass. The auxiliary was sent down from here and the track was cleared so that traffic was resumed before noon today. Dr. Smith, the company’s surgeon, W.J. Orr, superintendent of the Railroad Hospital, and Detective Heenan went down to the scene of the wreck. The injured were brought home this afternoon.
[Welland Tribune, 9 June 1899]
W. G. Somerville will have his annual delivery of Massey-Harris farm machinery from the G.T.R. depot (Friday) forenoon. Two carloads of Massey-Harris implements, and one carload Canada Carriage Company’s carriages and buggies.
W.G Somerville’s Annual Implement Delivery
[People's Press, 13 June 1899]
Friday last was Agricultural implement day for Welland. Three carloads of the world-renowned Massey-Harris farm machinery, consisting of binders, reapers, mowers and rakes sent to W.G. Somerville, were delivered to the purchasers. This was Mr. Somerville’s 20th anniversary in the implant business here, and his continued and most gratifying success in the face of the most severe competition speaks louder than words not only of the merit of the articles dealt in, but as well of the fair, square and honorable dealing of the company.
Besides the Massey-Harris shipment, there was a carload of the Canada Carriage Co’s carriages and buggies, and a separate shipment of Rain wagons, all consigned to Mr. Somerville.
All Friday forenoon the farmers filed into town and loaded up their purchases, with which they were evidently well satisfied.
They then proceeded to the Welland house to dinner on the invitation of the Massey-Harris Co. and their agent, after which they drew up in columns on North Main st., filling the wide thoroughfare from the iron bridge to West Main st. Facing them on the east side was Mr. Somerville’s warerooms and offices, which had been tastefully decorated with flags and bunting for the occasion. In this position Mr. Morden, the artist, took a “shot” at them from his camera located on the bridge, securing a handsome and comprehensive picture of an industrial exhibit of which Mr. Somerville and the companies interested may well be proud. In the foreground stood the representatives of the companies, including Jas. Henning, general agent at Hamilton of the Massey-Harris Co. who had general charge of the delivery; Robert Armitage, general agent, W. J. Wells, bicycle representative, James L. Henning of Hamilton branch and Herbert Baker-all Massey-Harris people; also John Bain, manager of the Rain Wagon works, D. McEwen of the Canada Carriage Co. and W.G. Somerville and Charles Trimble, respectively the Welland and Dunnville agents for the firms mentioned. Mrs. and Miss Somerville were also included in the picture.
A procession was then formed and paraded the principal streets, headed by Mr. Somerville. The wagons were labeled:
attracting the attention and admiration of all. In passing the Mansion house, each occupant of a rig was handed a cigar by Landlord Ramey. There were nearly fifty wagons in the procession besides which a number of dignitaries were invited to take part in the function.
Mr. Somerville did a little business outside the delivery the same day, the carriage an extremely handsome two-seated surrey, going to Mr. W. Augustine of Humberstone, who intends to do a hack business at Port Colborne and vicinity.
Score another success for the Massey-Harris Co., and their genial local representative, Mr. Somerville—- long live he.
Event: 10 June 1899
[Welland Telegraph, 16 June 1899]
“Delivery Day” of Massey-Harris Farm Machinery on Friday Last.
On Friday last the town was filled with wagons, teams and farmers, besides the general routine tend of business. It was the occasion of the 2nd Massey-Harris delivery, and the 20th anniversary of Mr. W.G. Somerville’s business with the company. The delivery was made up of three car loads of machinery-binders, mowers and rakes. There were 69 machines comprising Mr. Somerville’s sales for the season, and they were all shipped in together, with the idea of having a grand delivery, which was carried out.
Starting early Friday morning the teams arrived in bunches and went to the G.T.R. station, where the machines were loaded into the wagons direct from the cars. By noon there were over 50 machines loaded and the teams were distributed around different parts of the town. It certainly gave the place a very business-like appearance, and was evidence that the farmers of Welland county believe in buying Canadian machinery for Canadians.
At noon all the buyers and their assistants dined at the Welland house as guests of Massey-Harris Co. and the company’s agent. After dinner the whole procession was lined up on North Main street, completely filling the street from the West Main street to the river bridge. Photographer Morden put his camera to work and got splendid photos of the whole street, jammed with wagons and new machinery, a reproduction of which is given above. Owing to the pressure of other business a number of purchasers of new machines were unable to be present, but it is estimated that over 50 wagons were lined up.
Among those present at the delivery were James H. Henning, general agent of the Massey-Harris Co.; H. Baker of the Toronto office; Robt. Armitage, general salesman; W.J. Wells of the bicycle department; John Bain, manager of the Bain Carriage Works; D. McEwen, travelling salesman of the Canada Carriage Co.; J.L. Henning of the Hamilton Massey-Harris agency; Chas. Trimble of the Dunnville agency, and a former partner of Mr. Somervilles.
During the day Mr. Somerville did a little business outside the delivery. He sold an elegant two-seated surrey to Mr. W. Augustine, Humberstone, to be used for hack purposes at Port Colborne and vicinity; also five buggies and a democrat wagon.
Mr. Somerville is to be congratulated on his 20th anniversary in the good old-town of Welland, and may each succeeding one be indicative of the growth and progress of the town. He has won his reputation by honest, upright business tactics, and that is the business that is sure to last.