Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


[Welland Tribune, 1 January 1904]

The reformers of the County of Welland will meet in convention on Thursday next, Jan.7th at 1 p.m., in the court house at Welland, to place their candidate in the field for the pending election for the House of Commons.

Arrangements are being made to secure some prominent speaker aside from local men, and a great gathering is anticipated for this first Liberal nominating convention for the reunited county of Welland, which now includes Pelham and Wainfleet for the Commons constituency.

Although the nominations will be by delegates, all Liberals and all supporters of the present Government of the Dominion are invited to attend and thus evince their appreciation of a good honest, progressive government -a government under which Canada has prospered and progressed and developed as never before.


[Welland Tribune, 8 January 1904]

              Our celebrated Hastings, B.C. Shingles are all guaranteed and we sell as cheap as any.- J.E. Cutler

              We keep in stock at all times a large and well assorted line of all the cereal and breakfast foods on the market. Just  now we are making an extra push on oatmeal and for a short time will give with every quarter’s worth a beautiful gold illuminated dark blue porridge saucer. Come before they are all gone. -S.H. Griffith

              If in need of any blankets in wool, jute or Dutch kersey, call on E. Brasford. Also a few lines of mitts left.

              Come and get prices and spring terms on Chatham wagons. We have something special to offer you for the next 30 days. -R. Moore & Son

              Arthur C.L. Kugel, an Osteopathic physician or Anatomical specialist from Buffalo will be at the Mansion house, Welland, on Monday and Thursday mornings of each week. No charge for consultation or examination; a specialty of chronic cases no matter how long standing, viz: Rheumatism, stomach, kidney and digestive disorders, nervous troubles, dislocations and all troubles arising from falls, etc., and others too numerous to mention; also a specialty of women’s diseases.