Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland

welland plymouth cordage sept 29 1905-511

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welland plymouth cordage sept 29 1905-508


[Welland Tribune, 17 March 1905]

The residence of Mrs. E. Peart, West Main street, was very nearly the scene of a disastrous fire on Sunday evening about church time. A burnt tablecloth, burnt carpets, and the remains of what were once curtains were a result of a few minutes work of the fire fiend. Mrs. Peart was alone in the house at the time and had just lighted a gas jet which projected from an archway but unfortunately did not extinguish the match but involuntarily touched it to the fine chenille curtains close by and they were up in smoke in an instant. Mr. Harry Somerville happened to be passing at the time, and helped Mrs. Peart to extinguish the flames.

Accident at Welland

[The Waterford Star, November 9, 1905]

An accident occurred on the M.C.R. at Welland Friday night which resulted in the loss of one life.

As the last mail was approaching on the eastbound, or south track, the baggageman and clerk pulled the baggage truck into the westbound, or north track, to load the baggage onto the train.. A westbound freight came along and ran into the truck.

Simpson. The clerk, had his right foot cut off and his head badly injured, there being four scalp wounds. It was feared that his scull had been fractured. He was completely paralyzed and no hopes were entertained for his recovery.

The baggagemen, had his left leg and shoulder bruised.

Penrose Stewart, an express messenger was slightly injured.


Must Keep Off Main Streets

Build New Bridge Across Canal


[People's Press, 3 October 1905]

             The Town council last night instructed Mr. German to notify the Toronto & Hamilton Electric Railway Company that they could not use West or East Main or Division streets. This may compel the railway after crossing the river west of the town to come down Bald street, build a new bridge across the canal at the site of the old bridge and turn up Muir street at the town hall to the M.C.R. Mr. German stated that he thought this would be satisfactory to the railway company.

             M. Beatty & Sons were granted right to build siding on Muir street to M.C.R.

             The Niagara Power Co. were granted right to bring power to Welland.

             A grant of $50 was made to Welland band.


About 4.30 o’clock on Monday afternoon fire was discovered at the residence of Walter Clendenning, Jane street, near the Fair Grounds. The alarm was quickly given and the firemen were soon on the scene. A bucket brigade was organized and fortunately the blaze was extinguished without the use of the hose. The fire originated in a bedroom upstairs in the dwelling, where a stovepipe pulled apart, setting fire to some clothes hanging nearby. The burning clothes fell on the bed which was completely destroyed and the room was badly damaged. Had the fire gained a little more, headway, the result would have been much more serious as the wind was blowing at a terrific rate toward all frame residences in that vicinity. Mr. Clendenning carried no insurance.

Welland Telegraph

19 January 1905

Fire: 16 January 1905