[Welland Tribune, 6 April 1906]
Blacksmith Shop- H.H. Lymburner has purchased the blacksmithing business next to the Welland House, from Walter Mann, and has taken possession. Mr. Lymburner was 8 years with A.D. White in the blacksmithing business and is well known as a first-class workman, well qualified to carry on the business successfully and give satisfaction. He invites a call.
The old Baptist church building has been sold to J.E. Cutler. The sewer has been put in and excavation for the new church will start next week. During the time the church is building, the Baptist congregation will meet in the town hall.
[People’s Press, 20 November 1906]
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Clark (and Herbert junior) are moving from Mr. Hooker’s house in Ward III to Mr. Sear’s house in Ward IV. Mr. J. D. Reilly, who has purchased Mr. Hooker’s residence, moves in this week.
[People’s Press, 3 July 1906]
The first Bell telephone in Crowland was installed yesterday, in the residence of H.L. Schisler.
Messrs. James Morwood of town and Joliffe D. Reilly of St. Catharines will enter into a partnership to carry on a boot and shoe business here.
Mrs. A.E. White is moving her millinery business just across the street to the house on corner of Frazer and West Main street, where the business will be carried on as heretofore during the erection of the new building on the old stand.
NEW BLOCK- Owing to difficulty in the way of moving the frame building heretofore occupied by Mrs. A. E. White as a millinery store, it will be torn down to make room for the new building to be erected on the site, by Mr. White. The new building will be a a two-storey brick, 41 feet front, with basement, and will make two stores. The building will be begun and completed as soon as possible.
An Eight Family Block to be Erected
[People’s Press, 25 September 1906]
H.A. Rose is preparing to erect a large residence building on North Main street, extending from the rear of his brick store on the corner to Crowther’s bake shop. There will be eight complete dwellings in the building, four on the ground floor and four on the second flat. The building will be brick veneered; they will make a wonderful improvement in that section of town, and as well appreciatively assist in filling the urgent need for dwelling houses in town.
Messrs. Goodwin & Ross have decided to enlarge their store premises by extending the building back to line with the rear of the opera hall building. This will give the building a total depth of eighty feet. This will give space for their rapidly increasing business.
Plans for both of the above buildings are being prepared by Architect T.L.Nichols.
A Continuous Service Probable
[People’s Press, 6 February 1906]
We hope to be able in a few days to announce another and a most important step in the progress of our town city-ward, viz.:Continuous telephone service. If the revenue from the telephone service in town can be raised in a reasonable proportion the company is prepared to grant an all-night seven days a week service.
Mr. T.H. Ashley, assistant general agent of the Bell Telephone Company, is in town and is meeting with good success, both in securing orders and changes from the ordinary to long-distance equipments.
The advantage of an all-night service as a protection against fire, securing medical attendance and in many other respects are too obvious to need recapitulation here, and are well worth the small additional revenue required to secure them.
Novel idea for the Fixing-up of Marine Park-Men, Teams and Money Wanted
[Welland Telegraph, 10 May 1906]
A novel proposal was made to the Town Council on Monday night by R. Cooper. The idea was commended and will be carried out. It will be one of the most unique public improvement movements ever inaugurated in Welland.
County Commissioner, Alex. Griffiths, is going to have charge of an immense bee for the improvement of Marine Park. Teams and shovellers will be marshalled under Mr. Griffith’s guiding eye and the man who will give neither horse nor hands will be asked to fork out the good spon.
“Superintendent Weller of the Welland Canal,” Mr. Cooper began, “says the Government will not do anything toward improving the park but if the town takes it up he would see that a lease was given. Our town expenses will be heavy this year owing to our sewers, electric lights and waterworks, and I propose that we do this work by a big bee.” Mr. Griffiths here has taken a great interest in matters of this kind and he might take charge of it. Donations should be asked for and each Councillor should use his influence in getting teams.
“If it is the desire of the Council,” said Mr. Griffiths, “I will take charge of it. I’ll make it a society job. I’ll put a team on myself for several days work.”
“I’ll put on two teams,” replied the proposer of the scheme,” and I am sure we can get twenty in all. Mr. Asher and Mr. Tufts will help, and Mr. Phin has promised his assistance.”
This idea is a good one and ought to be well carried out. It is very desirable to have this plot leveled and seeded in time for the Old Boys’ Reunion.
The first work will commence next Tuesday morning, when it is requested that as many as possible turn out and help, whether they have a team or not.
![Medical Hall, Main Street East, Welland [Welland Tribune, 5 December 1902]](http://events.wellandhistory.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/MedicalHall1906.jpg)
[Welland Tribune, 30 March 1906]
Having sold my drug business to A.J.J. Brennan, I would extend my sincere thanks to the public generally, and especially to those of my patrons who have dealt with me for many years, for trust reposed, and now would ask that the same trust be given to Mr. Brennan, who is as skilful and experienced druggist and chemist, being an honor graduate of Ontario College of Pharmacy, also of Toronto University, and who has been with me for the last five years, knowing that you will receive the same honest and upright service for which Medical Hall is and has been noted.
Referring to the above, I beg to add that the business will be carried on as heretofore. Every effort will be made on my part to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, and which is respectfully solicited by.
[Welland Tribune, 27 April 1906]
Our attention has been called to the fact that the canal in the neighborhood of the feeder junction is frequented by large numbers of geese which pollute the water of the canal. A worse condition yet is that the water is notoriously filthy and full of disease breeding germs. As the water from the canal is used for the water supply for domestic purposes in both Welland and St. Catharines, these unsanitary conditions should be eliminated, if possible. The attention of the authorities is called to the matter.
The “Bald Farm” Purchased for a Site-Company Fully Organized
[Welland Tribune, 27 April 1906]
On Monday last, the sum of $1,000 was paid and ten acres of the Bald farm became the property of the Welland Cemetery Association as a site for a cemetery for the town of Welland. For many years, through wind and storm over roads almost impassable, funerals have been forced to make their way to Fonthill. Soon all this will be done and the location of a cemetery in the town of Welland will be a convenience and fill a long felt want. The situation is excellent-on that high piece of property on the west side of the road from Welland River to Welland Industrial Home and on the north side of Elgin street, within easy walk from the centre of the town. What more could be desired.
The officers are as follows
President-Mayor Sutherland
Vice Pres.-W.J. Best
Secretary-L.H. Pursel
Treasurer-Geo. C. Brown
Directors-G.W. Sutherland, W.J. Best, L.H. Pursel, L.C. Raymond, Geo. C. Brown, A. Lawrence, T.D. Cowper, W.G. Somerville, Hugh A. Rose and B.J. McCormick.
Grounds Committee-G.W. Sutherland, W.G. Somerville, D. Ross and A. Lawrence.
The principal movers in the matter were Mayor Sutherland, and Messrs. D. Ross, B.J. McCormick and Geo. C. Brown.
[Welland Tribune, 18 May 1906]
The old Presbyterian manse has been cut in two, the sections being moved to vacant lots in the Third Ward, where they will be made into two dwellings. When the writer of this came to Welland, 42 years ago, the manse building was occupied by the late Wm. A. Bald, and its timbers today are as sound as they were then. The houses built 40 or 50 years ago were more substantial than the structures of today. A new manse will be erected on the site of the old one and until it is completed the pastor, Rev. Dr. Cunningham, will have to use other quarters in town.