Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


[Welland Tribune, 26 December 1902]

              Mr. Clarence Morin was severely but not dangerously burned on Christmas eve. He was at the residence of Mr. H.L. Frost, impersonating Santa Claus at a Christmas tree function. The tree caught fire from one of the candles, and Clarence’s Santa Claus beard and other fixtures ignited from the blaze. For a few moments Clarence was enveloped in fire, but fortunately through the presence of mind of those present the flames were quickly smothered. One side of his face and one arm, however, were severely burned, but we are glad to know that the injuries are not dangerous nor likely to leave permanent results.

             A heavy curtain which had been used to smother the flames was thrown out on the back verandah, and no further attention was paid to it until Willie Sidey came to the door and said the verandah was afire. The curtain had had some fire in it when thrown out and it took several pails of water to extinguish the fire in the verandah.

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