Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


[Welland Tribune, 9 April 1897]

Thomas Hicks and Henry Boyd appeared before the board to complain of Principal Woodworth sending their boys home without sufficient cause, as they alleged. Mr. Boyd also complained that his boy did not get proper credit for work done.

Mr. Woodworth replied that the immediate cause of the boys being sent home was their scuffling in school, but a worse complaint he had against them was that they would not get up their work. He did not believe the Boyd boy did not get proper credit for work done, although an exceptional case of that kind was, of course, possible in any school. He did not think he should be expected to pound boys nearly as big as himself, and he had tried isolating them and other minor punishments without effect.

After some rather good-natured discussion for a subject of so ticklish a nature, the matter was dropped on the understanding that children should not be sent home except in extreme cases, the parents also agreeing, in this case, if notified, to “attend to” the discipline of the boys.

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