Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland

ABOUT TOWN – Tonawanda News

By Middleton Dan

Western New York’s Greatest Newspaper

[Courier Express, 12 June 1982]

WHEN NIAGARA FALLS was “dewatered” in 1969, Herb Force, the photographer who has long waged a campaign to have the U.S. use his Bicentennial photo of fireworks at the Falls on a postage stamp-took a picture of the “face” that became visible at Prospect Point. That “face” was a tourist attraction until the Corps of Engineers turned on the water 167 days later.

The “face” was visible again briefly in 1970 when an ice jam blocked much of the flow over the falls, but it had not been seen again until this spring.

On May 14, Herb spotted the “face” and photographed it. Again, ice had jammed the brink, diverting water from the point.

Writes Herb of the event: “When will we see this “face” again? It could be many years. After this brief exposure of the “face,” I feel it should be one of the subjects for a se-tenant (an unsevered block of stamps which differ in design) Niagara Falls stamp. We have faces of famous people on stamps, Why not the face of the most photographed wonder of the world-Niagara Falls?”

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