Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


But It Was Only Half The Size of One Killed Near Same Spot 40 Years Ago.

[The Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 21 June 1921]

A large black snake was killed last Thursday evening by Mrs. Anna Atkins, on the old John Atkins estate in the township of Pelham.

Mrs. Atkins had just stepped outside of the back door, and she saw a long black object lying on the ground, which she took for a piece of wood. However she saw it move and then knew it was a snake. Picking up an axe she killed it. When the snake was measured, the length was found to be 5 feet, 7 inches long, and 4 inches in circumference.
There was a large snake killed in that neighborhood, 40 years ago. Mrs. Atkins brother killed one then, on the old Beckett property, which is adjacent to the Atkins property. It measured 11 feet.

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