Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


Mayor Diffin and W.M. German Get Assurance From Dept. of Railways and Canals.

[The Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 11 January 1921]

That Welland is to have a new passenger and vehicle bridge is now almost certain, by the statement made by Mayor Diffin and W.M. German, after waiting upon Hon. Dr. Reid and W.W. Bowden, Chief Engineer of Department of Railways & Canals. They were received very favorably and every indication goes to show that the coming bridge is a reality. Mr. Bowden stated that he would build us a new bridge at either Lincoln or Regent street. He stated further that the bridge would be built this year providing the price of steel and other building materials came down to a normal figure again. The new bridge is to be of the very latest type and will be up to date in every detail. It will be built in jack-knife style. It will also have a walk on both sides

The present Alexandra Bridge will be rebuilt to conform with the new canal.

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