Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


Freeman Ewer’s Residence Destroyed

[Welland Tribune, 18 February 1898]

The residence of Freeman Ewers in Crowland township, about 1 ½ miles soutwest of Welland, was destroyed by fire early of Monday morning, with most of its contents. Had not the neighbors come to the rescue some of the inmates might had lost their lives, as they were sleeping when the fire began. The insurnce policy was burned, and Mr. Ewers is not sure how the insurance is divided, but thinks there is $350 on the house and contents, and $150 on the barn and contents. The loss will probably reach $600, and the insurance is placed in the Waterloo Mutual, Swayze & Son, agents. The exact cause of the fire is unknown.

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