Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


[Welland Telegraph February 27, 1903]

A rear end collision occurred on the Air Line division of the Grand Trunk about a half mile west of the village here at 6.15 a.m. Wednesday morning, as a result of which the brakeman in the van that was crushed into a pretty badly shaken up, all the others escaping uninjured. Two empty coal cars and a large car loaded with potatoes, were totally destroyed the potatoes being mostly smashed or burned, and the van in which the brakeman was sitting was smashed into match wood, and how he escaped without being killed is a mystery. The engine was not very badly smashed, the staving-in of the end of the boiler. It seems that two Grand Trunk freights were running close together from Welland Junction both to take the siding at Stevensville, the first train was entering and the second No 426 was waiting to get in when a fast Wabash light freight, No 1059, came tearing along also from Welland Junc. And thinking that the train directly in front was going through to Fort Erie, did not slacken speed until it was too late. The force of the collision drove the trucks of the four smashed cars under the fifth car, which however,did not leave the track. The auxilaries from Niagara Falls and Fort Erie got to work on the wreck about 9 o’clock and by noon the trains were running again.

Just where the blame is to be placed is difficult to find out, as all the railroad men refuse any information when questioned on the subject.

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