Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


Opened On Saturday

[People’s Press, 19 January 1909]

On Saturday morning M.C.R. gent J.D. Payne threw up the wicket at the brand new station and sold the first ticket.

An Italian was the purchaser.

He purchased a ticket for Niagara Falls.

The station is as up-to-date as the other was behind. The floors are hardwood, the ceiling is oak. It is heated with steam and electric light bulbs strung from handsome designs dispel the darkness.

There will be seating accommodation for 28 in the gentleman’s waiting room and smoking room, and there is room for twenty in the ladies’ department. There are two fine laboratories. The ticket office is a fine roomy affair, and the baggage room is also arranged with a view to the convenience of patrons.

The cost was about $10,000.

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