Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


[Welland Tribune January 3, 1940]

Progress being made on excavation work for mill and elevator.

With the return of Lorne Sandberg, superintendent in charge of construction for Carter-Halls-Aldinger Co. Ltd. tomorrow from a Christmas vacation in Winnipeg, increased activity is expected at the site of the new Robin Hood Milling Co. Mill and elevator at Ramey’s Bend. Some 150 lined up early yesterday seeking employment while there was a steady list of applicants during the day.

Excavation work is continuing and work is in progress on a roadway into the site on the west side of the canal at the Humberstone village line from Omer avenue. The construction of wooden forms for the concrete has not started as yet and the N.S. and T.spur into the site of the  2,000,000 bushel elevator and 4,000 bag mill is not yet complete.

It is expected that a large construction crew will be employed within the next two weeks as work gets under way following the excavation.


[Welland Tribune January 8, 1940]

Railway siding to site will be completed in few days.

Preliminary work on the construction of the new Robin Hood mill and elevator at Ramey’s Bend in Humberstone township is being held up for a few days because of the fact that the N.S, and T. Siding into the sitte on the west side of the canal at the Humberstone village line is not complete. The siding will not be completed until the middle of this week, according to Lorne  Sandberg, superintendent in charge of construction for Carter-Halls-Aldinger Co. Ltd., contractors.

At present some 50 men are employed along with 12 trucks in excavation work which continues 24 hours a day in three eight-hour shifts. With the completion of the siding this week, said Mr. Sandberg, more men would be employed.

The lumber for forms would not arrive until next week, said the superintendent, but four car loads of heavy machinery, now on a siding in Port Colborne, would be moved into the site this week with completion of the company’s siding. A fifth carload would arrive thus week, he said.

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