Welland History .ca

Historic EVENTS in and around Welland


[Welland Tribune, 30 January 1940]

Ottawa, Jan.30-The St. Lawrence seaway project under discussion at Ottawa has been planned to provide a channel of 27-foot depth from Montreal to the head of the Great Lakes. This would enable vessels to be laden to the 25-foot mark or possibly 26 feet.

At present the rock excavation in the Welland Canal for the most part is down to 27 feet but the earth excavation not more than 25 feet. Upper lakes have been deepened to 27 feet in rock excavation and 25 feet in earth on the downward channels and to 22 feet on up bound channels.

Shoals have been removed from the Thousand Islands section so that boats of 25-foot draught could operate. Canals of such depth between Prescott and Montreal remain to be built.

The proposed division of the Ogoki waters now flowing into James Bay into Lake Superior would add something to the present depth figures which of course fluctuate with the rise and fall of the water levels.

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